Craft ® Chiseled Rectangle

Large, square-edged recs with a deeply pitted, randomly patterned surface.

Craft® Chiseled Rectangle





Technical Specs

Bluestone Craft Chiseled Rectangle is a large, square-edge rec with a deeply pitted and randomly patterned surface. The unique blue-gray range of color is indicative of the Bluestone found in Northeastern Pennsylvania.

Biscuit Craft Chiseled Rectangle’s palette is quietly colored with an overall soft, toasted-tan tone and light buff-beige highlights. The large, square-edged recs have a deeply pitted, randomly patterned surface.

Sandollar Craft Chiseled Rectangle’s overall pale sand color has hints of ivory-white and sun washed taupe. The large, square-edged recs have a deeply pitted, randomly patterned surface.

Knapsack Craft Chiseled Rectangle is a large, square-edge rec with a deeply pitted and randomly patterned surface.It has a wider range of color and value from khaki-brown to khaki-olive, and warm grays found in Cameron natural stone.

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