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Stone Veneer vs Real Stone

Making the Right Choice: Weighing Stone Veneer vs. Natural Stone

The debate between stone veneer and natural stone veneer extends well beyond aesthetics. That’s why we’ve taken the time to create this comprehensive guide to the differences between manufactured stone veneer and real stone.

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Modern Farmhouse Exterior with Stone

Achieving a Modern Farmhouse Exterior with Stone

In this article, we’ll discuss everything you need to know about the farmhouse aesthetic, including what it looks like, how stone is an incredible addition to the aesthetic and even some examples to show how it’s done.

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14 Unique Stone Fireplace Designs for Modern Homes

Beyond Traditional: 9 Innovative Stone Fireplace Design Ideas for Modern Homes

In this blog, we’ll discuss the different types of fireplace designs and offer some ideas to inspire your next home improvement project. Before we start, let’s take a moment to discuss the benefits of using stone for interior fireplaces.

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Creative mines flint craft chop ledge

Stunning Stacked Stone Profiles: Modern Exterior Design Ideas

Constructed from concrete and other natural materials, stacked stone veneer is lighter and thinner than natural stone while maintaining the same visual appeal and textural richness. This distinction makes stacked stone veneer a winning choice for homeowners and designers worldwide with a wide range of versatile applications.

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Orchard Limestone Timberwolf 2 C

Why Stone and Masonry Veneer is an Excellent Fire-Resistant Siding

In this article, we’ll explore the benefits of using stone veneer, brick veneer and weathered plank for fire-resistant exterior siding and fencing, including some alternative ways to increase your home or business’ fire resistance.

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Peak Ledge Greypearl 7

Best Practices for Working with Masonry Veneer

Masonry veneer has been a fixture in new home construction and remodeling for decades. A cost-effective material with unmatched aesthetics, masonry veneer gives homeowners a signature look while giving the builder a less complex installation that is fast and effective.

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Board Form Monsoon 6

Board Form Concrete Architecture 101: 7 Examples of a Superb Alternative

With the rising popularity of concrete as an architectural design note, Board form concrete architecture is a creative and unique architectural style that has been around for centuries. It’s trendy in modern and industrial designs, but can also be found in both residential and commercial spaces.

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Paintgrade Brick Brewery 3

Brick Veneer vs Solid Clay Brick: Which is the Smart Choice for Your Home?

In this piece, we will share the major differences between concrete brick veneer when compared to full-sized solid clay brick and clay veneer.

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Creative Mines Stone Veneer Craft Chop Ledge Cloudbreak

11 White Stone Veneer Design Ideas to Add a Touch of Class to Your Home

Like most home design ideas, you have to see them to believe them. That’s why we’ve taken the time to put together a list of some of our favorite home designs incorporating white stone veneer. Here are 11 beautiful white stone veneer design examples to inspire your next project.

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